Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wedding Wednesday

Did you believe me last week about this post? If so I am proud, and surprised. 

Anywhoo this week is all about my lack of cake love  preference of other desserts over cake. I love the look of cake, heck I use to want to be a baker, I just like fruity desserts more. I can devour pies, cobbles and tarts but one bite of cake and I am done (I have no clue why). So instead of having a bride's cake and a groom's cake we are having pie bar and a groom's cake (since The Mister's aunt usually makes one as a gift).
These are so cute and good for little hands (which we will have a lot of) but I can see these being a hassle if we bake them instead of ordering

Mini Pie Table
I like this idea, no uneven cut pies or half eaten pies to take home. Instead guest can bring some home with them or we can stack them in the freezer for a quick dessert later on.
Pinned Image
This one reminds me of a bake off like at a county fair (which is my theme)

Pie Bar instead of Brides cake
I really like how this one is labeled and hello Buttermilk Pie YUM! 

As you can tell I am set on my pie table for the wedding but I have seen some gorgeous wedding cakes (even though I like the nerdy ones the best) and I may do a quick run down next time. 

Did you have a traditional wedding cake or did you go for something different?

p.s. Oh and we will have whip cream pie to smash in each other's faces (or the MOH and Best Man)

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