So after vacation I was exhausted! I went to a concert two days after I returned, then it was the Forth of July, and then an anniversary party that weekend. I have been BUSY. Three weeks without a solid week of work, and over 2 weeks of over 1000 posts in my GoogleReader. Basically I was feeling overwhelmed, and debating about not keeping up with the old blog. BUT, I did my nails from a pin on pinterest, and they did a breakfast from pinterest and fangirled out and I wanted to share it with y'all so I voted to keep the blog going because more things will come up and I will regret not having this place to share it, or have it in the future to remember.
So with out further adieu, the amazing concert I went to was Trout Fishing in America!!!

They did more than just kid songs, like Don't Touch My Stuff! based on when their van was stolen in Houston, TX. It is sad that their van was stolen but the song is good. They also sang 18 Wheels on a Big Rig originally by Heywood Banks.
They ended the night with Lullaby and it is the perfect end to any night. I left with a signed VHS, a shirt, 2 cd's, a children's book with cd, a free poster, a free download sent to my email, a picture with the guys, and mainly a great night I will cherish forever! I know I have talked about my love of this band a ton on here but I cannot help it, thy were a huge part of my childhood and I love sharing it with anyone who will listen.
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