Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Photo Catch-up

I am not done reading my book for this week yet because I have been busy! But I have been having fun! Here is a photo dump of what I have been up to for the past month and a half.
Eating some Pink Panther - Makin Faces @ a masquerade murder mystery party - Being photobombed  
UntitledUntitledshark fun
Posing in my old prom dress - Coors now has fun facts!! - Playing with my food (gummy sharks)
I couldn't open my package! - Snap chattin my food - Mexibell peppers burn like habenero in your eye
Evil Eye Burner! - Waiting for my ride - Being ripped off by cracker jacks
My hair doing whatever it wants - Playing game with the family - Da Hubby sweeping off the roof
Flaying pinecone-roof ball - Vintage game at shop near my office - Talking C3PO at the same place 
Decorated vacationing programmers office - Munched on a sprinkly donut - Snacking with pals at work
Snap Chatting with brother - Had the baby sister join in on the fun - Frost mug for steak trade 
Cake fight payback - result from cake fight @ sisters graduation party
Snap Chatting my big/little cousin

And yes I have become completely addicted to snap chat! I am always sending pictures to my little brother. He is 16 and just got his first job and he has the sweetest girlfriend, so I like to check on him to see if he is being good during the day by snapchatting. Plus I get to make silly faces! Da Hubby is no longer effected by my faces. 


So what have y'all been up to?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Book Club: Speaker For The Dead

Last Book Club was about the previous book in this series. And let me just tell you, this book did not disappoint! I read it a little slower than Ender's Game, but it is still a great book and I cannot wait to start book 3.

speakwr for the dead


In the aftermath of his terrible war, Ender Wiggin disappeared, and a powerful voice arose: the Speaker for the Dead, who told the true story of the Bugger War. Now, long years later, a second alien race has been discovered by Portuguese colonists on the planet Lusitania. But again the aliens' ways are strange and frightening ... again, humans die. And it is only the Speaker for the Dead, who is also Ender Wiggin the Xenocide, who has the courage to confront the mystery ... and the truth. Orson Scott Card infuses this tale with intellect by casting his characters in social, religious and cultural contexts.  (Straight from Barnes & Nobles Site)

What I Thought:

I have learned when I try to give a synopsis I always wind up giving away too much of the story so hopefully B&N didn't do that. LOL. So this books is nothing like Ender's Game despite being in the same series and by the same author. This is much less a war book and more of a look at the lives of the people. It discusses religion, how people are reacting to the death of the buggers, and it is like a totally different but equally talented author wrote it. I had so many emotions with Val and Jane. The Speaker (Ender) is not the same person we came to know in the first book but it is for the better. I cannot say that one book is better than the other because they are so different. 

4 out of 5 
This one is left with a 4 because of the 'cliff hanger' ending. It is not a major issue since I already downloaded the next book, but if I had to wait a year between books it would have killed me. I will be re-reading this book.

What books are you reading this summer? Are you reading this series before the movies come out?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

End to a Guilty Pleasure

Yikes! That title sounds like a title to a dirty movie or book but my post is completely innocent I PROMISE!! Now, please tell me I am not the only one who was completely disappointed with the series finale of Secret Life of an American Teenager. 

The Secret Life of the American Teenager (2008) Poster

I have loved this series as a guilty pleasure, and now it is over and I have so many questions left unresolved. 

Will Ben and Amy get together? Who will Ricky(my favorite) end up with? What about Henry? There are so many questions about him - how will he cope with the military, what about the distance between him and Alice, if the show got a spin-off would he die in battle? What about Grace would she finally live for herself or would she go looking for someone else like Grant? Will Amy finally quit being selfish? What about John? Whatever happened to Ashley, she was not even in the finally (except flash backs). 

I really hope they have a spin-off so I can have answers to my questions. There were times I seriously hated this series but it is a train wreck that I cannot stop watching. I have to know what happens.  


What are some of your guilty pleasure TV Shows? I need a new one.