#2. Craft room organized and I am slowly decorating it
#3. We have decided that we are going to knock down a wall in the living room and knock down another wall partially in the kitchen to open up that area more
#4. We have it organized (since it is also my closet) and ready for guests but it is not the way we want it
#5.(a) We did this until we ran out of goods.
#5.(b) BEYOND DONE!! I added all 4 in the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld and Cinder by Marissa Meyer
#6. Blake dates are done, I am working on setting up dates with the others
#7. I have passed on quite a few clothes to the sister & I am still sorting through more to get rid of
#14. Done and done we have a cleaning schedule (sort of) and it is working well. We tidy up the kitchen and areas we hung around in every night and do the main cleaning in other areas & outside on the weekends.
#15. I am failing on this, it started off good but now I am back to the bun everyday
#19. I am doing a bunch of this and I am loving it! Vacation helped with this.
#22. Done and my girl is real sweet
#23. I went out on a date with my cousin who was my best friend since we were 7 and we kind of faded after high school me in college and her moving to Chicago but we are hanging out more & cannot be more pleased
#24. I hung out in a bar, went to an outdoor celebration with tons of (smelly) people and the went out to eat on Friday night without getting sick.
How are y'all coming along in the # before #?
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