Thursday, July 28, 2011

So have you missed me?

Well let me tell you I have been so busy lately! I had vacation and instead of catching up on my doodles I decided that re-watching one of my old favorite shows would be so much better.

Source: via Rusty on Pinterest

Charmed was such a great show. I am a little biased because I love SyFy shows and that whole genre.

And I know he was evil but man o man Cole was one demon that I would be with. I agree with Phoebe on him.

Source: via Janice on Pinterest

Right now I am on season 4 out of 7 but I cannot wait to re-finish this series.

Speaking of Syfy shows who else is watching these shows?

Source: via Rusty on Pinterest

Source: via Rusty on Pinterest

I am totally ADDICTED! I had the premier in my calendar since they first mentioned it before the summer even started. Yes I am that big of a fan girl. OH and on the topic of fan girl-ism, who else is super excited about Neverland on SyFy coming in Dacember? I cannot wait! Well now you know what I have been up to and coming soon to a blog near you my vacation pictures!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Release the Kracken

How cute is that? My family has been on a bit of an octopus kick lately.I made Little Miss octopus soup and she has been obsessed!


Now she is always wanting octopus soup! So of course I had to show her how an octopus swims so you get to see how that looks now.

Sorry it is so Dark I tried to get her in the light but that big ant kept her away.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Catch up on my Doodles

Sorry I have been MIA this week so far. I got back from the lake and started getting ready for my vacation this weekend. I tried to catch up & do my doodle while I am away but I failed to do that so when I return from my trip I will *hopefully* have done my doodles to show y'all.

The 18th prompt: Random Doodle

Day 18

The 19th Prompt: Something New

Day 19

The 20th Prompt:Something Orange

Day 20

Sorry for the picture/doodle overload, I just wanted to catch up.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 17 Happy Sunday!

Happy Sunday guys! Today's prompt was favorite plant, I love the outdoors but my favorite plants produce food! Thus my doodle.

Day 17

Hopefully tomorrow I will have pictures from the weekend, fingers crossed! See y'all tomorrow.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Over half way done!!

Today's prompt is my inspiration.

Day 16

Blake is my inspiration, because I want her to grow to be a great person and the best way to do that is to have a role model.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 15

As promised I rush my little hiney and did the weekend doodles early so here it is! This one was the hardest to do so far! I drew my family tree, which is complicated to say the least.

Day 15

This is my complicated family! It is hard to get everyone on there with divorces & remarriages and all. The sad part is that I didn't include my 2 ex-step siblings or my ex-step mom (past away) or any on the many exchange students that we have had. Crazy huh especially this is just my immediate family not extended.

See y'all tomorrow with my inspiration.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fail face right here!!

I got busy yesterday so here is my "comic" for the 13th day

Godzilla attacks

And for today's doodle, favorite fairy tale

Day 14

I am having to get ahead on my doodles because I am going to the lake tomorrow and that means no internet! I am busy packing and doodling so that this weekend you still get your doodles.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A day late...but its ok

Last night I was in vacation planning mode. I went to my step-dad's house and we worked up a shopping list for next weeks vacation to the Frio. After that was over I hopped on over to Mr.Man's house to cook some dinner before he got home from working late, I finally made it to my house at 9:30 then talked to my step-mom about our trip to the lake this weekend. By the time all of this was done & I was about to lay down to go to sleep is was 11:45pm!!! I was barely able to keep my eyes open when I was brushing my teeth. So today is a two post day my doodle from yesterday which it my most recent accomplishment and my doodle for today which I have to do during lunch which is to draw a comic.

Without further adieu today's doodle!

Day 12

OK so I don't graduate until August 13th but I finished my classes already I just haven'y walked yet. But that is close enough right?


Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 11!

Today's prompt was emotional for me so it was hard for me to draw, thus the bad look. But I am glad for it.

Day 11: A turning point in my life.

Day 11

I am truly thankful for my dad and my step-mom, & my ex-step-dad and his new wife. I honestly think that having them in my has done so much for me. I don't want to go into my past to drag this post and my entire blog down, but let's just say Jerry Springer could do a show on my past. But that is over and now Mr. Springer would think my life is too boring ( and I am fine with that).

See y'all tomorrow with my most recent accomplishment


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Nom Nom Nom!

Today's doodle was Favorite Candy!!!

Day 10

The chewy ones are my favorite, the hard ones are too chalky! I am also not a chocolate fan at all! Give me fruity all the way, baby!


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wibbley-Wobbley Timey-Wimey

Today's doodle was favorite TV show. This one was easy. I love me some Doctor, David Tennant has been my favorite doctor but the new guy Matt Smith isn't to shabby.

Day 9

I even have a sonic screwdriver!!I hate that it will not be until fall for the rest of the season. :(


Friday, July 8, 2011

Come along with the Snorks!

Come along with Snorks.
Swim along with Snorks.
So much to see waiting for you and me.
Have some fun with the Snorks.
Play along with the Snorks.
Swim along with the Snorks.
Happy we'll be living under the sea.
Come along with the Snorks

If you could breathe underwater where would you go.
If you had friends underwater who would you know.
Come along, Sing along, Swim along too.

Come along with the Snorks.
Swim along with the Snorks.
So much to see waiting for you and me
Swim along with the...
Have some fun with the...
Come along with the Snorks

Today was favorite cartoon and it was SOOOO hard! but I decided on The Snorks!

Day 8

See you guys tomorrow!

Delayed Day 7

Under the sea, Under the sea, no where is better down where it's wetter under the sea!!!
Drawing for toda...err yesterday was favorite movie.

Day 7

I did this while waiting on my table at La Cantina last night so it is a little shotty but the one for today is coming along greatly so far.

See you later when my day 8 doodle is done.


Things I ♥ This Week!


I LOVE LOVE LOVE sweet tea! Instead of coffee every morning I drink a glass of sweet tea with my bagel. It is my main drink, I never drink soda but I am addicted to tea!!


I love this letter! How funny was that? Oh it sounds like something Mr. Man would write lol.


This is how I feel all the time, I am not patient at all!

Source: via Amy on Pinterest

I want to do this with Blake, I think she would have so much fun, and we have SOOO many plastic eggs from easter(STILL)!


I am not even going to lie I am a HUGE nerd! And if you have not seen them yet, you need to hope on youtube and watch the Vlogbrothers! They are awesome & glory in being nerds so much their followers are called nerdfighters!Seriously check them out. What are you still doing here? Go now to the vlogbrothers NOW!

See you later with the doodle of the day!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 6!!!

I am on a roll! I am so amazed at myself for keeping up with this. It has not been a whole week but still I am proud of myself!

Without further adieu Day 6: Favorite Book

Day 6

I love me some Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales! I think The Really Ugly Duckling or The Little Red Hen(who never gets to tell her story) are my two favorites from the book.

See you tomorrow with day 7.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

2 in 1 Post!

How was everyone's forth? Mine was awesome!!! and if I would have remembered memory card to my camera I would have proof. But I did some canning, played Tripoly, swam and went thrifting. This is why you are getting a 2 in 1 post! I was so tired yesterday I didn't do my doodle so I doubled up tonight.

Day 4: my favorite place....BED I love to sleep!!!

Day 4 

Day 5: Best friend...Josh!!!

Day 5

I am sorry I had to double up but we should be good for the rest of the time... If all else fails I can do some ahead of time and schedule the posts, who knows.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Favorite food! (Day 3)

I love seafood! I live on the gulf, so give me crabs, shrimp, crawfish, oysters etc.
I love me some cajun cooked food, and since I cannot draw gumbo and make it look appetizing, then I go to the second best...

Day 3

I know this is not how you make BBQ crabs but it was too silly so I just had to do it this way.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day Two!!!

Today's prompt was favorite animal.

Day 2

I am a fan of so many animals but these two are my favorite. I think that my tree looks good. I may need to work on my squirrel though.

See you tomorrow with Favorite Food!


Friday, July 1, 2011

First Day of 30 days of doodles

I am going to be the first one to say...I cannot draw well at all. This little exercise is to help me get better. Let's see how this worked.

My first prompt was to introduce myself, so here goes!!

Day 1
So this is me! I am Boc-Boc and the fun part is that I wore this when I was drawing this.
See you tomorrow with my favorite animal!
