Monday, August 12, 2013

Shark Week is officially over (for this year)

Well it is true, Shark Week has ended. My ladies and I are sad it is over but we sure did enjoy our end of Shark Week Party!

We had Shark Teeth, Gold Fish, Rainbow Fish, Octopi, and Chum Punch 
We had arts and crafts
Had Sharks decorating the house
Ate some "octopus and shrimp pasta" and watched shark shows in a cardboard house
Found underwater shark pictures
Had some snuggley time and said good bye to shark week for another year

Do you celebrate Shark Week?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Best Week Ever = Shark Week

I have been on WANELO way too much lately, I think it may have even surpassed Pinterest... well no but close.  Anywhooo I have been scouring the interwebs for fun Shark Week stuff and I am loving these goodies. 

If you click on the picture it brings you to the wanelo page for it with to where you can buy it. 
I am having a Farewell to Shark Week Party on the 10th for my sister and nieces. We are going to eat sharky foods, do shark crafts, and plot shark attacks while watching the shows. I wanted to do a premier party but some of the littles cannot handle to bloodiness, so I have to prescreen the shows. I am not mad about it though I get a double dose of SHARK WEEK!!!!  

Are you planning a Shark Week watching event? Do you watch Shark Week?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cross your fingers...Teacher Soon?!?

Hey guys I know I have been M.I.A. for a bit but I have been working my tush tush off. I am trying really hard to be a teacher, applying any and everywhere I can, making calls, writing emails, going on two interviews, working on a contingency plan, and working on organizing my house/ craft room for when I am a teacher and I need my craft room up and running.

I am seriously going to pull my hair out with how stressed out this is making me, most schools around me start class on August 26th and I have only had two interviews and the first one said I need more experience, The second one I am still waiting to hear back from hopefully early next week.(FINGERS CROSSED) I am hoping that I am able to get a teaching position before have to student teach for 6 months without pay. I am fully willing to student teach but I am concerned about the lack of income that comes with that, which is why I have been working on a contingency plan, AKA waiting tables or bartending or something of that nature.  I have been so stressed I have not even been reading my Ender's Game book, but I have been trying to calm my self down by planning what to wear on the first day of school. If I get a job - Fingers Crossed!

First day of school

First day of school by jesslsteele featuring imitation purses

I keep looking at classroom decor but since I do not know what grade or subject I cannot predict how to decorate it.

What do you do to keep your mind off of things you cannot control, like waiting on a call back after an interview.