I thought I was doing good on my Christmas gifts until this week. I have a Christmas party tonight and I have not finished crafting presents for tonight!!! I have to rush home from work and get to crocheting to finish the presents before the party at 6. After that I have only one more present before Christmas day to craft. Sorry I haven't been here much I have been in my sewing room working up a storm! I have pictures of my crafts after the big day...Spoilers

Hey guys sorry for being MIA for almost a week but I have looked like this:
Yes I have gotten the dreaded yearly cold!!! Every SINGLE year I get a cold once and it is usually in the winter/Finals time. Luck for me this is the first in 4 years that I did not have finals while fighting a cold. And for those of you who are/did handle that I applaud you! (because that shizz it HARD)
Anywhoo I am better now! And before I was fully sick during the weekend I got to see my little pumpkin in her Christmas play at school and it was SUPER cute!! She was an elf building toys and singing. I did not bring my camera(I left it on the charger ) But she was super cute and my dad recorded it so when I go watch it anytime. After that it was birthday dinner YAY! We all went to Robert's Steakhouse & Meat Market which seriously has the best steak EVER!!! The meat is such good quality and we go there so much all the waitstaff knows who Blake is. Granted they always see her with different adults so they usually don't know who our parents are but they know who Blake is. But ya after that dinner is when The Mister and I took a nose dive down the sick road! All is well now I even have sparkly nails to spark up my mood since i have been so sleepy lately!
Can you tell I pop mu knuckles by this picture? Older people always say that they can tell when they see my hands. I cannot help it, it feels so good to pop them then my hands are sore or tired!
Hope y'all stay healthy! What do y'all do to get out of the slump after being sick?
Egg nog or hot chocolate? Hot Chocolate! But my favorite is Loco Cocoa from a local coffee shop YUMM!
Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Well the Elves do but yes presents from Santa are all wrapped
Colored or White lights? White on the tree(this year) and blue outside...The Mister likes blue icicle lights
Do you hang mistletoe? No, but I think we might start ;)
When do you put up your decorations? The weekend after Thanksgiving...if I can hold out that long
What is your favorite holiday dish? O that is hard... I love deviled eggs! but a REAL dish I would have to go with is the seafood Gumbo my Dad makes on Christmas Eve
Do you remember your favorite gift? O absolutely! my Silhouette last year from the Mister!
What is your favorite holiday tradition? The annual white elephant gift swap at my Step-dad's house with family friends, followed by game night.
Whats on top of your tree? a twinkly star
Which do you prefer giving or receiving? I honestly love getting gifts & I like seeing people open their gifts but I SUCK at keeping what I a secret I want to tell them the day I buy it.
Candy canes yum or yuck? What flavor? Jelly Belly gross others Yumm(well not the bacon kind on our tree I am afraid to try that)
Favorite Christmas movie? Elf, Holiday Inn, Christmas Comes but Once a Year,A year with out Santa
Favorite Christmas song? Baby it's cold out side, I'm gettin nuthin for Christmas
I would love to see what y'all's answers are, but not to step on any toes Q&A came from Carrie's Little World blog
This weekend was HECTIC I do not have a better way to explain it. I had 2 sets of family pictures taken.
Sat at 10 we had family pictures with my Dad, Step-mom and that side of the family siblings. Everything went off with out a hitch! The pictures look great, we played at the park then went to my Dad's for shrimp etouffee and tree decorating.
See that cluster in the last picture? Ya that was little miss's area, that is where she put all the decorations. After some YUMMY food The Mister and I headed out for game night at the step-dad's house... By the way have y'all played The Logo Game before? I just got it for a birthday present and I love it!!! Anyhoo we finally walked across the street to go to bed around 12 or 1 which is late for old fogies like us.
Sunday I wake up and go to my Granny's for my birthday lunch at noon (the whole family goes every Sunday but the Sunday before your birthday is cake day) ready for pictures and all is good! Pictures are at 3 with all the grand-kids and if you are counting it is 5 just for my step-dad's side, 6 from my Uncle Don and 3 from my Aunt Tracy...13 in all not counting parents (because they were not in the pictures, but were present) we had ages ranging from 9 months to 28 in the pictures! Talk about CRAZY! Well by 2:30 on our way to the photographers house we find out 2 cannot make it, and 3 of the people there work shift work and the freak occurrence of having them all off at the same time will not happen again until AFTER Christmas! So we are all uber stressed out by now, oh did I mention the rain too? Yes our plan for outdoor pictures squashed because of rain! Well pictures were taken minus 2. Praise the photoshop gods for being created and helping us out! the missing 2 are being photoshopped in later just in time to be framed and wrapped for Christmas time.
I am SOOO glad that I am finished with working out the family picture situation. While we were there some Aunts were saying we should get a full family picture with the grandparents, parents, kids, and grandkids!!! Ya I decided to NOT help head up that party. I am tapped out. Well I hope y'all had a good weekend.

Does your family have trouble getting together? How easy would it be to have 3-4 generations photo taken for your family?
DECEMBER!!! Can you believe it is finally here? I love December...ok yes you caught me I am biased because I was born in December! Bonus Question: On what day, that will live in infamy, was yours truly born? (Answer at bottom) So since my birthday is this month I decided to make a 24 before 25 list .
So what do y'all think? I think I can handle it, well I hope I can! Some are easy others not so much. But hey we will see. Have a great day guys!

Answer: December 7th aka Pearl Harbor Day