Thursday, November 4, 2010

Things I ♥ This Week

I know, I know I missed yesterday.... BUT I was so busy so I am doing it today.
This week is going to be mainly from my weekend at Ren Fest

1.Renaissance Festival!
I went this weekend & had a blast! Unfortunately my camera was acting up so I didn't get many pictures.



This weekend was also Halloween, Like I said my camera was being janky & I got no pictures of little pumpkin trick or treating. :( O well she loves her costume so I bet she will wear it again.

3. Elephant Rides!

Elephant Ride

It was so much fun riding with the other girlfriends...getting away from the guys and all

4.Finding Waldo!

Where's Waldo

I saw this guy way in the distance & took off in a sprint to get his picture


Nutty Pirate

In high school our mascot was the Mighty Pirates, and even though I didn't have much team sprite I still love pirates.  (The sign says I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts)


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Things I ♥ This Week

I am being overwhelmed this week but more on that later this is a positive post! Let's see things I love...humm

1. My new umbrella (it has yet to rain so no action shots but)
The weather man says it should rain today so I am happy about that!

2.Halloween get-together at the Mr.Man's parents house

3. Crafting with Blake
I didn't finish it but she enjoyed crushing the waxed leaves

4. Random pictures Blake takes
As you can see she is good as long as she keeps her fingers out of the way

5. Blue fire

Sorry this was a day late I have been working on projects & studying


Saturday, October 23, 2010


I have been thinking about this topic a lot lately. I am not currently overwhelmed I am actually "perfectly whelmed"(? eh oh well) but the reason for the thought has a lot to do with my art class. I am not an art major nor am I talented at drawing (which is the name of my class Drawing I) but any who...basically when I started the class I, well to put this in the nicest way possible...sucked big time!

But I am getting better! But one night I got so overwhelmed I cried the whole way home(30 minute drive mind you) and I vowed not to do that again! I get frustrated at myself quickly and I also catastraphise situations to make it seem worse than it really is. Like I said I am working on this, but here is the kicker Momma C wants me to take 2 classes during the winter mini session at uni so I can graduate next semester and I am TERRIFIED not just because I will be trying to fit a semester for 2 classes in 3 weeks time frame but also the pressure that will be put on my to finish school. I make decent grades I cannot say I am the best student, I failed an accounting class but since the major change I have been much better.( I just couldn't learn from that man!) I am just so worried about letting down my family if I fail and am not able to graduate on time(yes Jessica keep on catastraphising and making it seem worse) I know logically that this is an improbable outcome, because I will be so happy about not having to deal with school and studying that I will work my tail off but the thought still lingers. Will I get frustrated and overwhelmed and have a nice long cry session on the way home? Will I fail a course? Will be able to even sleep during the winter mini with Christmas, New Years, School and work? Will I ever cure my ease of frustration and catastraphising?
What about ya'll do you ever feel like that?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What is the cleanest animal in the rodent family?

I do not know what started my little obsession but all I know is that I cannot stop thinking about squirrels and how darn cute they are! At my Uni there are squirrels everywhere & I take full advantage of that. I am constantly taking pictures of them, and I am also trying to get them more use to me to feed them. I learned a trick to get their attention by hitting 2 walnuts together. I have it now were the  squirrels will stop and watch me so I can take pictures like this!


It is like he wants to give me a hug!

And how cute is this guy hiding in the tree staring down at me? 

O Man this obsession is getting bad...did I tell you I bring squirrel food to school with me to feed them? I know I they are not eating it all because I have seen the crows around the tree eating the food...but I still want them to be happy and full! 



Funny story: Wednesday before class I was feeding & taking my normal squirrel pictures (I have night classes & the path I take is usually empty) and out of the blue my professor walks up. First off I was surprised when I heard someone call my name, and then embarrased so I began explaining myself (ahhh Loser). But it turned out good he is one of my psyc professors so we talked about how to get the squirrels more accustomed to me. YAY!  Okay I think I am done with my fasination...for now at least!


Answer: Male squirrels...It takes them twice as long to groom as female squirrels.

P.S. am I the only one who is super excited about Just Dance2 for the wii? I need it so bad!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Vacation Pictures Pt 2

Have you ever glanced through your edit posts sections and found a post that you never put up even though it was completely finished? we I just did it so I am going to interrupt the fall season with summer!
Frio Vacation
Here is more of my vacation pictures. I love this collage I used picnik thanks to Cheri's blog I am Momma...Hear me roar. She showed how easy it was so I had to give it a shot.

This was the beautiful view from the back porch... Ah-mazing!
Here is my sister & myself playing Little Mermaid on a rock sticking out of the water.


Things I ♥ This Week

My theory here is that I need to set a day to do my favorites and thursdays sound good. I know me and if I do not decide on a specific day to do something I push it back until it never gets done (main reason I make myself notes all the time).

1. She & Him ... mainly this song and video but everything Zooey Deschanel & her sister do I adore.

2. Silly finds at stores...squeezable apple sauce? really?


3. Carving pumpkins with the family!


Sorry about the quality here I was sorting seeds for roasting & Josh had gooey hands so we enlisted his brother to be the photographer and he failed us.

4. Scarecrows selling pumpkins!


I am part of the unlucky bunch that has to drive 2 miles to find a pumpkin patch where they are still on the vine. Heck my pumpkin options are a hand full of churches selling for missionaries or wal-mart (I picked the church)

5. Studying for tests in this beautiful weather...on the weekend only, I am too busy in the daylight to study I usually start homework/studying around 8:30 or 9 after I get back from class and have eaten
I wish that was me with that squirrel!

Okay guys I will chat with ya'll later & tell you how great my Halloween dinner get-together goes Saturday.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Simple How-To!

I am trying something a little new today and am doing a tutorial. It is easy-peasey, but I like it either way.
What I am going to show you what to do is this bad boy.


This is just a simple Halloween decor I did at the man's house. I do not have a silhouette or cricut so I went & got  pack of plastic skeletons for a dollar for 8, but any who here are the supplies needed.


Scissors, fishing line, skeletons, lampshade, sewing needle


Okay and for this next step get fishing line a little more that double the height of your lamp shade and send the line through the top lip of the shade.

Next you put both sides of the fishing line in the top hole & then through any bottom holes you may have and thread one side of the line through the bottom lip of the lamp shade & tie to the other piece of fishing line.  

I hope that my little tutorial made some sense. 


Thanks for stopping by!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Things I ♥'ed last week!

Yes you caught me I missed last week... and I am only on week 3 ugh I am great at this lol!
I finally got my flickr to upload my pictures I shal now share my loves of last week.

1. Visiting pumpkin patches!  I plan on doing this during the day time this week.
The Great Pumpkin Patch


2. Playing with the Halloween features on Picnik
Demon Josh

3. Warm clothes for the colder weather

4. Halloween I love Martha!

And I think that is it for now!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Amazing give away!

Okay Okay it is not my give away but I found a great one on Tatertots and Jello!
She is giving away a Halloween Party kit from Whipperberry.
You need to check it out!
Give Away click here
For Whipperberry here
Please head over there it is AH-MAZ-ING

Monday, September 27, 2010

Beautiful day in the neighborhood!

It was wonderful going out to my car this morning in 66 degree weather! Usually I have to turn on my a/c as soon as I get in the car in the morning because it is already in the 90s by 7:30 when I leave for work. I was so excited because that means fall is coming and I can put on my stockings and boots with my dresses and skirts now! YAY! This also means I get to break out my tea pot and hot tea again...oh and hot cocoa. I love it when it is cold so I can stay in the house cuddling with the man wrapped in a cozy blanket and watching movies.I am so happy! I do not like to be outside when it is real cold (by this I mean 50 and below) but I love the clothes, the food, the drinks, and the holidays of this cold weather season. With all of this being said here are some tea accessories I think I need.

Tea Time

Tea Time by Jesslsteele featuring a disney

What are some of your favorite fall things? or do you not like the fall and are more of a fan of the other seasons?


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Things I ♥ This Week

I decided to do this weekly...Yes I think I can handle that and by weekly I mean some time during the week not on any specific day (way to commit Jessica!) but anywho here goes nothing!


Wreck this Journal: Shopping Lists 
•Squirrels...well not just this week but for ever! But my University has tons!

•Doodles! I think this is because I am in class doing it a lot this week.
Godzilla attacks

•This owl doll I think I need to make this

I think that is it for me I am also adoring some Halloween stuff but that will come later(in its own post)!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Miss me?

I have been missing for a little bit. I could say I have been busy dealing with University and work, doing real important stuff. But in reality I have been doing a lot of this.

Craftyness, Blake

Crafting with my baby sister.

Should I go blonde?
Trying out new hair styles

Trying out my cop glare

Goofy man-o-mine
And having an anniversary with this lovely man!

I have a goal it post more! I will have to show off my Halloween ideas for my party!
O and pictures of me using my sonic screwdriver.
